Mark Tremonti Bottom Lounge Review
An adrenaline rush it was as Mark Tremonti kept the throttle motoring song after song from All I Was.
Tremonti released the throttle slightly during “The Things I’ve Seen” and “New Way Out,” but otherwise the pedal [was] to the metal.
Tremonti performed his entire solo album and never deviated from it by incorporating an Alter Bridge or a Creed tune.
Of course it would have been awesome if Mark Tremonti performed “In Loving Memory” or “Higher,” but you have to understand that Tremonti is trying to establish his own brand name separate from Alter Bridge and Creed.
The Alter Bridge and Creed separation was definitely attained and had individuals leaving the Bottom Lounge in their Tremonti swag saying, “Mark Tremonti can really sing!”
Tremonti battled a cold the entire evening, and he was successful by staying within his vocal range and not attempting to push it too vocally on “Wish You Well,” “All I Was,” “You Waste Your Time,” “Giving Up” and “Decay.”
Mark Tremonti fired up the Bottom Lounge when he started banging his head on “Wish You Well” then shortly thereafter remarked, “Come on Chicago!”
Tremonti continued to bang his head and the audiences’ enthusiasm sparked an evening the Bottom Lounge would never forget.
The audience was extremely stoked over Tremonti’s performance and it became such a living memory that people started flashing their cameras like hundreds of paparazzo’s near the end of “You Waste Your Time.”
The paparazzos shed their cameras for a while and sang with Mark Tremonti on “Giving Up,” “Decay” and “New Way Out.”
The Bottom Lounge went berserk when Tremonti performed “The Things I’ve Seen,” which he intelligently reserved for later in his set list. According to Tremonti, “This song is your favorite on [all the] social media [sites].”
During “Decay,” Wolfgang started clapping and the audience quickly followed. Mark Tremonti then reached the microphone into the audience as they sang and Tremonti said, “Beautiful!”

© 2012 Always Acoustic
Mark Tremonti may have created the first ever guitar union between the PRS guitar and Wolfgang Van Halen’s EVH® bass guitar.
What a beautiful union at the Bottom Lounge in Chicago as Tremonti’s vocals and guitars shredded the evening!
For at least one night, Mark Tremonti carved himself a name as a frontman who you want to keep an eye out for! This is only the beginning for Tremonti.
Bottom Lounge Set List:
1. “Wish You Well”
2. “All I Was”
3. “You Waste Your Time”
4. “Giving Up”
5. “Leave it Alone”
6. “Proof”
7. “So You’re Afraid”
8. “The Things I’ve Seen”
9. “Doesn’t Matter”
10. “Decay”
11. “New Way Out”
12. “Brains”